

Din sökning på "*" gav 132684 sökträffar

Annika Björkdahl and Johanna Mannergren Selimovic receive grant for project on women's experiences of the Holocaust

Published 28 November 2023 Professor Annika Björkdahl, together with Associate Professor Johanna Mannergren Selimovic at Södertörn University, have received research funding from the Swedish Research Council for three years of research with the project 'Beyond the Archive: Gendering Holocaust knowledge production through women's testimonies in the Ravensbrück archive'. Congratulations on the resea

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/annika-bjorkdahl-and-johanna-mannergren-selimovic-receive-grant-project-womens-experiences-holocaust - 2025-02-11

Catarina Kinnvall and Ian Manners represent Lund University in the HORIZON project PLEDGE: 'Politics of Grievance and Democratic Governance'

Published 12 December 2023 Professor Catarina Kinnvall and Professor Ian Manners, Lund University. The project is focused on the emotional economy of anti/pro-democratic expressions of grievances, with an aim to explain how anti-social grievance politics transform into democratic political action. Congratulations on the research grant! Project name: Politics of Grievance and Democratic Governance

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/catarina-kinnvall-and-ian-manners-represent-lund-university-horizon-project-pledge-politics - 2025-02-11

Sara Kalm on citizenship and mobility of the poor

Published 19 December 2023 Associate Professor Sara Kalm, Lund University. The distinctive features of modern citizenship include, among other things, that it is both internally inclusive and externally exclusive. These characteristics largely evolved during the “long nineteenth century”, the period between the French Revolution and the First World War. Similar to that of today, the historical sit

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/sara-kalm-citizenship-and-mobility-poor - 2025-02-11

Uhlin on career advancement in an EU institution

Published 11 January 2022 Anders Uhlin has together with Håkan Johansson and Malin Arvidson published the article “Capital and Closure in the EU Field. Advancement in the European Economic and Social Committee” in Journal of Common Market Studies. The article explores what it takes to advance to the top of an EU institution (the European Economic and Social Committee). The article combines Bourdie

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/uhlin-career-advancement-eu-institution - 2025-02-11

Fredén on the influence of social networks on vote choice

Published 13 January 2022 Annika Fredén has together with Ludovic Rheault and Indridi H. Indridason co-authored the article ”Betting on the Underdog – The Influence of Social Networks on Vote Choice”, published in the journal Political Science Research and Methods. In this article, the authors investigate the relationship between local social networks and voting behavior, in the case where the vot

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/freden-influence-social-networks-vote-choice - 2025-02-11

Wrange on civil defence in Sweden

Published 14 January 2022 Jana Wrange has published an article on the divergent interpretations of the concept of civil defence in Sweden. The article has been published in the journal European Security and is entitled ”Entangled security logics: from the decision-makers’ discourses to the decision-takers’ interpretations of civil defence”.  Read more on the journal’s website Jana Wrange’s persona

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/wrange-civil-defence-sweden - 2025-02-11

Røed on parties’ propensity to listen to interest groups

Published 18 January 2022 Maiken Røed has published the article “When do political parties listen to interest groups?” in Party Politics. The article examines 88 Norwegian policy proposals and shows that parties often reuse input from interest groups. Characteristics relating to the proposals, interest groups, and parties affect parties’ propensity to listen. Read more on the journal’s website Mai

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/roed-parties-propensity-listen-interest-groups - 2025-02-11

Kalm on firms that sell citizenship

Published 20 January 2022 Sara Kalm has published the article ”The Business of Citizenship: Investment Citizenship Firms in Global Governance” in the journal Global Society. The article is concerned with the private firms that design and manage programs for selling citizenship for the governments that have chosen this policy path. It examines how these firms exert power, by a focus on their interm

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/kalm-firms-sell-citizenship - 2025-02-11

New research school strengthens focus on poverty reduction

Published 21 January 2022 Photo: Michael Erhardsson, Mostphotos Extreme poverty is still an urgent issue around the world. Four universities have initiated a new research school on sustainable development and poverty reduction to address the challenge. The research school will be coordinated via Lund University. The new research school, which has been granted six million SEK from the Swedish Resea

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/new-research-school-strengthens-focus-poverty-reduction - 2025-02-11

Bengtsson on trust and crisis management

Published 25 January 2022 Rikard Bengtsson has together with Douglas Brommesson (Linnaeus University) published an article entitled "Institutional trust and emergency preparedness: Perceptions of Covid 19 crisis management in Sweden" in Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. The article analyses the Swedish public's trust in different actors involved in Covid 19 crisis management and how

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/bengtsson-trust-and-crisis-management - 2025-02-11

Are democracies up to the task of generating a large-scale sustainability transformation and sustain a liveable planet?

Published 28 January 2022 Thomas Hickmann has co-authored a new open access article in the journal Earth System Governance. The article presents the current state of knowledge on the relationship between democratic practices and sustainability transformations. Starting off from long-standing debates about whether democratic practices are capable of fostering timely, large-scale transformations tow

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/are-democracies-task-generating-large-scale-sustainability-transformation-and-sustain-liveable - 2025-02-11

Strömbom on recognition in peace processes

Published 4 February 2022 Lisa Strömbom has co-authored the article "Tracing Responses to Recognition in the Oslo Peace Process and Its Aftermath - the Interlinkage between Relational and Internal Ontological Security" in the journal Conflict Resolution Quarterly (open access). The article deals with mechanisms for how formal and relatively superficial forms of recognition in peace processes can o

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/strombom-recognition-peace-processes - 2025-02-11

Strömbom, Bramsen and Stein on how to analyze and understand agonistic principles in peace agreements

Published 18 February 2022 Lisa Strömbom, Isabel Bramsen and Anne Lene Stein have recently published the article "Agonistic peace agreements? Analytical tools and dilemmas" in Review of International Studies (open access). The study develops a framework for analysis of agonistic principles in peace agreements, based on the three indicators 1) spaces for interaction, 2) forms of inclusion, and 3) t

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/strombom-bramsen-and-stein-how-analyze-and-understand-agonistic-principles-peace-agreements - 2025-02-11

Kalm, Boräng and Lindvall on migration and welfare

Published 4 March 2022 Sara Kalm has written a book chapter on migration and welfare together with Frida Boräng and Johannes Lindvall, both at Gothenburg University. The chapter is called ”Welfare states and migration policy: The main challenges for scholarship”, and is part of the newly published Handbook on Migration and Welfare, Edward Elgar Publishing, ed. Markus M.L. Crepaz. Link to the volum

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/kalm-borang-and-lindvall-migration-and-welfare - 2025-02-11

Hansen and Jansson on Gender, Neoliberalism and the Swedish Welfare State

Published 8 March 2022 Malte Breiding Hansen and Maria Jansson (Örebro University) have authored the open-access article ”Who Cares? The Neoliberal Turn and Changes in the Articulations of Women’s Relation to the Swedish Welfare State” in the journal NORA: Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research. The article asks whether articulations of women’s relation to the welfare state and modes of po

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/hansen-and-jansson-gender-neoliberalism-and-swedish-welfare-state - 2025-02-11

Hedling on the everyday making of EU foreign and security policy

Published 10 March 2022 Elsa Hedling has co-authored the book The Everyday Making of EU Foreign and Security Policy. Practices, Socialization and the Management of Dissent published Open Access by Edward Elgar Publishing. The book confronts why despite increasing levels of contestation on CFSP issues between EU member states, EU practitioners generally perceive their working environment as fully f

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/hedling-everyday-making-eu-foreign-and-security-policy - 2025-02-11

Johan Matz on Arms exports and intelligence: the case of Sweden

Published 10 March 2022 Johan Matz has published an article in Intelligence and National Security. This article approaches the intelligence dimension of Sweden’s arms exports by going back to three governmental decisions, taken in 1914, 1935 and 1971 respectively, all of which have been pivotal to both the Swedish government’s involvement in arms exports and the emergence of government institution

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/johan-matz-arms-exports-and-intelligence-case-sweden - 2025-02-11

New article by Catarina Kinnvall and Ted Svensson on the dynamics of everyday populism

Published 11 March 2022 In a newly published article in The British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Catarina Kinnvall and Ted Svensson analyse the appeal of far-right populist politics in the everyday and how this appeal is related to continuity and change in the global order. One of their key arguments is that while far-right populism is able to momentarily overwrite a sense of d

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/new-article-catarina-kinnvall-and-ted-svensson-dynamics-everyday-populism - 2025-02-11

Bengtsson on the EU’s role self-conception in global affairs

Published 17 March 2022 In the chapter ”The EU’s Self-Conception of Its Roles in Global Affairs” Rikard Bengtsson analyzes the EU’s own role self-conception as it appears in the EU Global Strategy from 2016 and problematizes how the changing international context in recent years yield new preconditions for the EU to act on the global stage. The chapter is part of a recently published volume entitl

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/bengtsson-eus-role-self-conception-global-affairs - 2025-02-11

Panel of experts on the Russian invasion of Ukraine

Published 18 March 2022 Panel talks about Ukraine On March 9, 2022, a panel of Lund University experts considered: Why history matters to the invasion and conflict? What does the invasion mean for Putin’s Russia, Ukraine, and beyond? What is the impact of the invasion on Sweden, Europe, and the rest of the world? Watch the panel discussion ’The Russian invasion of Ukraine - why history matters and

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/panel-experts-russian-invasion-ukraine - 2025-02-11